Investment casting

We are a leading manufacturer of precision casting used in crucial applications from Auto-mobile and Electricity generator to Therapeutic and military markets. Manufacturing a entire range of air melt alloys, our dedicated team assures that our investment castings solutions meet completely all your needs.

Along investment casting, we can cast approximately 200 metals. These alloyed range from ferrous steel, instrument steel, carbon steel and ductile iron to non-ferrous aluminum, copper and brass. The unique procedure that matches this level of materials is machining, but it cannot provide the sophisticated geometries that investment casting can deliver. Examples include internal passages and ports in a valve frame, crooked vanes of an impeller and internal cooling channels in a transformer blade. The critical barrier in example development and short-term output is the time and cost for injection molds. As pattern sophistication rises, the tooling often turns too costly and too time consuming to make prototyping and small-volume fabrication businesslike. Safety and the well-being of our workers is the priority in everything we do. Security equipment and procedure exercise is mandatory for all workers. We precisely adhere to minimal active age demands and maximum permit active hours. We have mechanical most of our key manufacturing lines and are frequently assessing and implementing mechanization. The lost wax method is very suitable for producing precision castings with sophisticated shapes and long dimensional accuracy & quality. Further, we offers a grand freedom in both design and matter selection of your needed castings. Cast dream is a key participant within the process business when it comes to precision investment casting. Some models of products produced by cast dream are : synchronous transmissions for hydraulic structures and grid plates for filter machines.

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